Our team is comprised of exceptional design and engineering professionals who each have an average of 35+ years of experience. Their first-hand knowledge and expertise will ensure that an assessment will identify, retain, preserve, protect, repair and replace the fabric of a facility.
With rigorous constraints, historically significant buildings offer unique challenges. In addition to programmatic changes, these facilities often require particular efforts to restore the building’s structure and exterior envelope while updating functional requirements such as mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems. Renewed interest in revitalizing these structures has positioned our experience in historic materials and construction types to address your desire to protect, preserve and yet update your community assets.
St. Mary's of the Woods Campus Building Assessment
Performing a Building Assessment is the key to gathering accurate information of the facility conditions and generating cost data, which will result in a comprehensive report. This report may be used to decide what investments should be made in facility improvements and will provide a carefully constructed action plan for moving forward. There are four different types of Building Assessments that will give you the critical information needed for your Plan.
Building Envelope Assessment
The building envelope is all of the elements of the outer shell that maintain a dry, heated, or cooled indoor environment and facilitate its climate control. Building envelope design is a specialized area of architectural and engineering practice that draws from all areas of building science and indoor climate control.
Young Hall at Purdue University

Our team will evaluate the complete exterior of a building and then compile an action plan as well as cost options. Sample categories would include brick or stone masonry, wood trim, siding, roof systems and metal trim, windows, doors, etc. Our evaluation will identify recommendations for repair, replacement, or renovation. With your input, we will prioritize repairs for budgeting purposes to support capital planning strategies. Architectural Assessment Facilities may need to accommodate new uses. Functional facilities with ever-changing programmatic operations, uses, and services. We can assess the programmatic and spacial functions of a facility and compare existing conditions to current and forecasted use requirements. We will work with you to identify the functional assets and liabilities. Those findings are translated into a report with recommendations that align with institutional business plans, anticipated growth, and market changes. Code Assessment Our code expertise and building analysis will position you to make informed and proactive investment decisions, maximizing the safety of those who work, visit and stay at your facility. Whether it’s through assessing life safety code adherence, ADA guidelines, ease of access, an enhanced experience for travelers or guiding a campus towards a single vision, your solution will be found and clearly documented for planning implementation.
Indiana War Memorial

Changing codes, uses and infrastructure can create a variety of challenges for you as it pertains to life safety and code compliance. Our expertise will allow you to better understand these specific deficiencies and prioritize upgrades and modifications that fit within your budget. Cost opinions and budget analysis will help the you make informed decisions about scope and direction of your facility. Historical Renovation

Any analysis of a building must be based on accurate and objective data. This includes understanding the facility’s original intent, current conditions, remediation cost, functional adequacy, and future use. Without this information, it is impossible for building owners and facility managers to understand the options and decide upon the investments required.
The architects at Synthesis understand how important this step is to developing a substantive plan that institutional leaders can incorporate into their budget. Grants supporting preservation rely on respectful use of historical materials. The Synthesis team will prepare a comprehensive assessment which respects the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the preservation of Historic Places.

City of Bedford Milwaukee Train Depot
The Synthesis team believes that knowledge is critical to formulating the analysis. Expertise – the deep knowledge that comes from research and experience – enables us to develop a comprehensive audit that will deliver exceptional value to you. This drives us to explore, question, and continuously advance our understanding of how the built environment influences historic preservation.