City of Terre Haute Maintenance Campus
INDOT Fort Wayne Administration Building
Indianapolis International Airport Luminaire Project
Indianapolis International Airport Peek-a-Boo Restroom Façades
Congrats to Ryan on his Graduation from the Christopher Kelly Leadership Development Program!
3 ways Synthesis is helping Indy welcome fans to Indiana for the Indy 500
Fav Building Friday: Falling Water, Sydney Opera House, and the Air Force Academy Chapel
Fav Building Friday: Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art
Intergenerational Offices: How Can We Become Better at Working Together?
"Dedication, Sacrifice and Rewards. A Theory About Hard Work."
"The Blase and the Pleasant - The Questioning of WHY"
Synthesis Kicks Off Annual Bake Sale Fundraiser To Support United Way of Central
Giving Back
Community Engagement
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
The Phenomenon of Place
Project Perception, Phasing and Creativity
Building Assessments - A Successful Map for Your Capital Planning
Community Engagement Through Design
Evolving and Designing Homes for Multiple Generations